bocas del toro Amaury Lavernhe
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Bluff Beach, Isla Colon, province of Bocas del Toro – Panama – 2022 February 14 to 20 


Hard to find the words to describe the week we spent on Bluff beach, Bocas del Toro, Panama, for the BOCAS INVITATIONAL, a contest dedicated to bodyboard.
I suppose that veryone has his own vision of Paradise…
If for you, it is a safe place with good waves, warm water, really friendly local people and a great bodyboarding community, so this could be it.

The event has been a total sucess from the start of it until the final day where we had some awesome waves for all the finals : Juniors, Women, DK and Open.
The Hawaiians dominated the prone and DK disivions with the Victory of Sammy Moretino and Dave Hubbard.
Isabela Sousa (Brazil) and Joel Rodriguez (Portugal) won in Women and Juniors divisions.
For a private competition, the event was very well organised and perfectly managed.
I am very grateful for the great work of the organizers, Francisco, Ruben and Gustavo !
I want to thank especially those who carried this event.
And in particular, the local guys who agreed to open up their tropical paradise.
At the time of departure, I was looking forward to returning with my family for an incredible holiday,
in the heart of this beautiful nature, and especially in the company of these beautiful people.
See you, Bocas and Panama !