See these two videos as good memories to me. It was the begininng of my search for the World Title. I did not know I was on the way… Imagine, the honour for me to be filmed by Mike Steward.
See Damian King, the mythic Australian rider joking about the final.
See a young Jared Youston who was already in the field.
See Diego Cabrera, a Canarian rider, I didn’t know he would become my neighbor someday.
Life is an unpredictable path. Enjoy and share!
Mira estas videos que son recuerdos felices para mi. Era el principio de mi busca del titulo mundial. No sabia que ya estaba en el camino…
Vean a Damian King, el rider australiano mítico.
Vean que un joven Jared Youston ya estaba en la carera.
Vean a Diego Cabrera, un rider de Islas Canarias, no sabía que algún día se convertiría en mi vecino.
Vida es un camino imprevisible. Aprovechalo y compártelo!
See Pipe Line 2010 Gallery