Itacoatiara 2015
26 june – Coming back from Indonesia with my family, we spend nice days in Europe before leaving to Rio.
A long flight Denpasar-Amsterdam-Paris-Bordeaux. One night in France just to rest for one day. Then on Saturday, Magdalena and I both fly to Lisboa (Portugal) for PLC’s wedding day. Our plane is late and a huge traffic jam from the airport to the beach could make us miss the event. Fortunately, we arrive at the ceremony just five minutes before the bride … and we spend a fantastic sleepless night with our friends. Back to Bordeaux on Sunday, we really need to sleep and to rest a little bit to forget the jetlag from Bali. As soon as we recover, it is time to leave to Rio for the 1st step of the 2015 APB Tour.
During the comp, we live in a nice house, next to the beach, easy to cook, train, enjoy the family life before and during the contest.
I feel no pressure, just a big pleasure to be there among passionate riders.
As I am the current World Champ, I know that I will be carefully watched. Anyway I feel positive. A good swell is coming, the waves are big for the first day and I have to keep focused and confident. The presence of my family is a good way to low the pressure. When you play with your child, you forget the world around and just feel good.
This contest is really physical, tactical and as it is a beachbreak, the waves change all the time so you have to be aware and always watch the ocean.
It is always a pleasure to compet in Brasil with the biggest bodyboarding community in the world.
Obrigado to the organisation and see you guys next year for another great event !
See more pics in my gallery BRAZIL 2015
Watch the Highlights of the Itacoatiara Pro 2015
Watch the video ITW on a Brasilian TV Amaury LAVERNE and his family life
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