APB Tour Amaury Lavernhe
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2019 – FRONTON KING – A big challenge

El Fronton , Galdar – Gran Canaria


In 2019, the step of the Fronton King returns into the APB World Tour season.
This is my first year of break on the World Tour and I decide to go only to Arica and to attend the Fronton King.
I’m not in the title race nor the Top 10, I have no goal other than to surf at my best and show that I’m always in the game and fit.
It’s a great competition, with big waves every day, that allow me to score high.
excepted on the last day when wind and rain decide to come and disturb the perfection of El Fronton.
But on that spot, even in poor conditions, the waves are much better than in other places.


This 2019 competition is very intense, I have to play on technique and strategy.
In the 1/4 final, I score a 10 pts in the last seconds wave against Tanner Mac Daniel
In the 1/2 final against Jared Houston – my winner in the previous FK final in 2017 – a 8,5 pts IN the last second of the heat allows me to reach the final.
From the beginning of the afternoon, conditions are stuck with irregular waves and little opportunity for high-potential waves.


For this last competition of the Tour 2019 the ranking is favorable for two riders on the WT : 
Tristan Roberts and Pierre-Louis Costes, each one  can be the World Champion 2019.
This final of the final event is very important : if Tristan wins, it will be the 2019 World Champion.
In case I finish the first, it is Pierre Louis who gets his third world title.
Imagine the pressure as you enter the water for the final for both Tristan and I.


As Tristan and I are going the he peak before the start, I tell Tristan that the title is within reach, that his destiny belongs to him.
Tristan is afraid, I tell him it’s the perfect time to do it.
The heat is not easy to lead as the sea is hasty, the perfect Fronton lines do not arrive

The final does not offer a very big show, in the rain, wind and capricious waves.
But Tristan and I fight fairly, with Tristan scoring two waves at 7.67 and 7.5 and for me only at 6.67 and 6.53.


It’s exciting to see your opponent becoming the World Champion.
The emotion is very strong for the winner of the heat and I am close to him to share this unique feeling.
I also appreciate the enthusiasm  and the support of the public, my wife who is waiting with Nahara in the rocks below the cliff, just by the sea.
I like to see my son Oliver waiting for me upstairs and the big ovation of the audience.
Thank you to all of  you.

A big bravo for the organization of the contest and the quality of surfing of the Canarian riders who are not on the worldWorld Tour.
These riders set the bar very high for competitors at El Fronton.
The ceremony of the 2019 season is memorable, Tristan Roberts celebrates his World Title.
I receive the 2019 APB Award for Best Performance.


2018 – FRONTON KING, one more time

Galdàr, Gran Canaria – 20 October 2018


The Fronton King 2018 is a World Cup form and is not part of the APB tour, following disagreements with theorganisers.
So there are few riders of the World Tour but the level is really high.
There are three world champions as Dave Hubbard, André Botha and Guillerme Tamega who are not the least.
Above all, there are many canarian riders who know the spot perfectly and are serious challengers.

Among the stages of the World Tour, the Fronton is the one where the local riders have the highest level.
The 2018 edition offers a prize money of 12,000 € to the winner, the strongest in the history of bodyboarding.
For my part, I do not hesitate a minute, with a prize money like this on one of the waves best suited to our sport.
And I want to win.

The organisation and the promotion of the event is perfect, worthy of the world level : live webcasts and comments,  interviews, press realise, concert, demonstration in schools…
The fan-zone on the cliff is crowdy and the online audience is high-level .
During the comp, I keep my hand throughout the heats, I’m really focused and motivated to win.
In the semi-finals, I take Guillerme Tamega out with my 18,57 pts and I am happy to face Jonathan Vega, a talented canarian rider, in the final.

During the final, I begin with a 7 followed by an 8-pts wave. Jonathan answers me with a 7,1 pts.
I find a good left tube + invert + rollo scoring 9,5 pts. Jonathan is in a combo position.
However, five minutes later I get a huge tube on a solid right and deep barrel catching 10 pts.
When the bell rings, the socre is 19,5 pts for me and 15,2 for Jonathan Vega.

On this tricky and powerful spot, tension and concentration are essential to succeed.
Now the pressure is dropping. Emotion overwhelms me. My heart is full.

Fronton is a kingdom to be conquered constantly…



Galdar, Gran Canaria – October 2017


For the 2017 edition, I have to defend the crown that I have wun for two years in a row ( 2015 and 2016).
It is a big challenge and I know I am the favorite and the man to shoot down…

I definitely appreciate to compete at El Fronton,  there is a very special atmosphere.
First, the local riders have an incredible level and they really enjoy fighting with the world elite.
Second, the inernational riders who come to Galdar, Gran Canaria really enjoy the local lifestyle, the food, the landscapes and the quality of the waves they ride.
Third, the organisation is perfectly well-oiled and the competition site which overlooks the spot is just perfect for both public and judges.

Mates, Tubes and Scores

In quarter-final, I compete with Ryan Hardy, Australia. He is a rider who has been inspiring me since I started and the REEFLEX wetsuits brand owner.
I score two good waves (9,33 pts + 9,44 pts) then Ryan in a combo position and he never can overpass me.
In the semi-final against my best friend and rival, Pierre-Louis Costes, I wait more than 10 minutes before taking a wave.
PLC tries to score at the beginning, but the spot is lazy.  He takes the lead while I patiently wait for the ocean offering a tonic awakening.
And it comes…
PLC and I are taking the same wave : PL on the right and me on the left. The right wave closes on Piere-Louis while mine on the left  allows me a deep 8 pts-tube.
About one minute later, I go one a right for a tube and a big invert scoring 8,83 pts. I let him combo too


The other semi-finalist joining me for the last heat of the day is Jared Houston. I remember that his mother and father are here coming from South Africa.
But in the final, when the tide is high and the waves lazier, with cramps in my legs, Jared Houston resists and wins the title.
It was a good fight and I lend him my crown of King of the Fronton with a good grace.
Jared deserves this victory, as he could catch and optimise the few good scoring waves of the final.

Bravo Jared. Tribute to the Fronton for its superb waves and riders.



Hawaii, North Shore 2017


Follow me on a lay-day in Hawaii  around the North Shore to document what I get up to in between contest days on the APB Tour.
We are on break waiting for the Pipe Line Pro 2017 restarts.

Food, stretching, fitness, lifestyle with my mate Laury Grenier (RUN).
Never stop keeping focused, but don’t forget to play and enjoy life.

Filmed by APB Tour –  2017



Gran Canaria, Galdar – October 2016


After a long 2016 season, I am 4th on the World Tour ranking and the the last step of the APB World Tour 2016 is the Fronton King, on the famous World class wave down my house in Galdar.
I have to defend my 2015 Fronton King champion title.
My progression on the competition is good  and Iam in the final  that plays in a 4-men heat.
I am leading the heat, in front of Pierre-Louis who needs a good wave to get 1st. Uri Valado and Igor Sanchez are combo.
I win the final, keeping my 2015 crown, I am the 2016 Vice World-Champion and Pierre-Louis confirms his 2016 World Champion Title.


2016 – Arica Chilean Challenge Video

July 2016 – Arica, Chile


I arrive in Arica, on July 2016, and I want  to score high and be in the final.
I want to put me points in the pocket for the World Tour ranking.
But my wish is to surf my best, to feel good on this wave that I love.

El Floppo is pumping and the riders all motivated, as usual.
I finish second on the podium after a good final against Ian Campbell.
Enjoy this video and see how lucky I am  :
I ride with high leveled-riders who are my rivals and my friends.

Video edited by Elements Prod
Filmed by Unai Borda,  APB Tour
Music : Elemento Dual ( Antofagasta)   » Reflexiones para el alma ».

Know more about my Arica Chilean Challenge 2016 :
Click on the Gallery 


2016 – Video Teahuppo Tahiti Challenge APB


After twelve years long without any Bodyboarding Professional contest, Teahuppo welcomes us with the Sparkgreen Teahupoo Tahiti Challenge  in April-May 2016.

This majestic wave demands a big organization. All is ruled by the APB Team that takes care of any detail  for security, aquatic footages and live webcast.

I feel a big motivation  in front of  these good waves to ride. I want to pay tribute to my friends around there. Mauruuru !


Enjoy this video edited by Elements Prod  – Videos :  My Hirec Camera Lynx 700 – Additionnal Footages :  APB


2016 BRAZIL- Itacoatiara Pro

A mate on the podium

After my good entering in the comp, with my 2015 title in mind I want to go as far as possible in the board.  I am surprised and disappointed as I fail in semi-final. Anyway, the competition is as usual a success for the organizers and all peopole sitting down the Itacoatiara Elephant Mountain. I am glad to see Alex Uranga winning the event. He is a strong rider and he is a SNIPER team rider with me. So that I an proud to see his SNIPER board on the podium.

 Just once won’t hurt…

To be at the top level is really an extraordinary situation but you have to be humble enough to accept what happens. At the same time, you need to be strong enough to go ahead and project yourself into new victories.


2015 – PUERTO RICO – A big suspense for the world title

October 2015, Puerto-Rico

Crazy Encanto Pro 2015

The 2015 World Champion title is decided in Puerto Rico !
This spot is such a nice place, situated in a tropical paradise with a good bodyboarding community. This APB contest, the Encanto Pro Cultura takes place in Isabela.
It is an amazing professional event with big promos, meetings in schools and exposure for the sport. That is exactly what bodyboarding needs today !
A big bravo to the local organizers, particularly to Natasha, Jared Houston’s wife  who made a big job too.
Before the contest, me and my family stay at Jony’s – Jonathan Perez. He is the official dealer of SNIPER in Puerto Rico (perezdelcarril@gmail.com).

Focused on the target

I spend the first week really focused for the contest, training everyday and trying to have the healthiest routine possible.  I am actually really exited to compete for a new title.
It is a new goal in my career and a great battle between Jared, PLC and myself. But the competition offers Jared a big suspense as is out in the 1/16 final. He watches the final day of the comp from the beach with anxiety.  PLC and me are the only ones able to steal the world title to him.  I have to win my 1/8 final heat against Jacob Romero to get the title… With a big pression, I lead my heat until 3 minutes before the end, then Jacob scores a good wave and I  answer him 30 seconds before the bells ring, unsuccessfully. I am out and the title won’t be for me. PLC has now the advantage. He fights until the final for his chance, but Jeff Hubbard wins the contest, making PLC unable to get the Wold Title. Jared leaps with joy on the sand and we rejoice with him.

After a big deception for being so closed to the victory, I sincerely enjoy Jared winning his first world title.
Anyway, he wins in the island where he is living now, with his wife and his daughter. He deserves this title and we celebrate it all together. It is fabulous and it inspires me a lot.

My 2015 APB Award

By the way, I have the honour to receive the 2015 SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR APB award from Alex Leon, the APB CEO. This trophy rewards me for my sporting commitment and my competitive spirit

Thanks to and Alex Diaz and Jony Perez for the pics.
Read the FFS reporting about this comp in French.
More items about my results on the World Tour 


2014 Arica Chilean Challenge – CHILE





After nine years surfing El Floppo on IBA then APB Tour, with a second place in 2010, I eventually conquered this fabulous wave that is my favorite one on the World Tour. I have spendt nine years, year after year, discovering this powerful slab, these strong and solid waves, the endless swell. Nine years enjoying  the big and opened heart of Chilean people.
The  2014 final against PLC has been an incredible duel and the talent of Pierre-Louis forced me to do my best to finish the job. I am so happy and proud to raise the trophy.  I was lucky to surf in such conditions, with such a good friend and rival and so big conditions.
Que Dios le bendiga a Chile !
Arica te quiero…
Never give up, always push up your limits.