Some days after my victory in Sintra (Portugal) in early September 2010, I am back home to Reunion island.
It is not a normal trip for me, because some days before, in Sintra, I won the title of World Champion.
Reunion Island is on fire, as I am the first Reunion Islander, French and European rider ever to win a professional World Title in a sliding sport.
The plane lands and I get out of the delivery zone a bit tired after a 11-hours flight.
As the exit gates open, I am surprised by an incredible and unforgetable welcome by many friends with a big ovation in the arrival hall.
I feel deeply moved by their presence, their happiness and their cheers.
La Réunion lé la !!!
By the way, after the interviews at the airport and meetings, time is for joy and euphoria, with the night party on the beach on Boucan Canot, in St Gilles-les-Bains.
A big crowd was here, simply happy and proud to share my unseen World Title.
I am so grateful for all Reunion riders who made me discover the bodyboard and supported me all to get this title and still today and ever.
See me on Matthieu Schiller’s shoulders at the airport, see him on the last pictures, with his green tee-shirt during the beach party.
Look at these pictures and praise.
We are on 2010 Sept, one year later he will die in a shark attack, just down this beach.
All these moments are really precious because it is pure joy and they happen BEFORE the dramas, before the 30 victims attacked by sharks in Reunion Island since 2011.
It is a moment of grace because we are all alive and happy and none of us knows what will happen after.